Thursday, January 01, 1998

My First Ride - Leslie

I`m new to ridecamp and endurance. I completed my first 25 LD @ the Dry Creek Cattle Call in Gonzales County, Texas. I had a blast. I completed on a 4 1/2 yo Spotted TWH stallion. He got all A`s on his vet card. At the vet checks, he was always 4 beats under criteria. That day it was 64 for mid check and 60 to complete. We finished 32 out of 69 starters. There were 82 signed up for the 25 but it rained all night and was thundering/lightning/raining in the morning. (I must be an endurance prospect to ride in this stuff) I wanted to ride. :-) Glad I did. After the vet check, the sun came out and made for a nice day. The trails were wonderful.

If any of you were there, thank you for a great time. Everybody was friendly and always offering to help or answer any questions I had.

I did barrels when I was a kid, got out because of all the political pressure. The other overbearing parents were just too much, I just wanted to have fun. I got out when I was 13. I started training polo ponies until I was 18. I then tried jumping. I went to Penn. National with hunters and a few years later went back under my foxhunting club. We also went to the Wash. International. After all this, I quit competing and just rode trails. I couldn`t handle all the politics. Almost a year ago, I met a Connie Meredith. She does 50`s. After talking to her, she changed my mind about endurance. I was so nervous the week before the ride that her phone glowed red hot from all the calls I made to her. She assured me that I would be okay. After I got to camp she introduced me to numerous people (to which I`ve forgotten most of their names, sorry ) :-( I have never met so many people who want to make you feel so welcome and part of the group as these people. I felt right at home and very comfortable. Everybody that I have spoken with, be it in person or on the phone, has been overly helpful and friendly. If this is what I can look forward to in the future, you can expect to see me alot more.

I know this may not be news to some of you, but I`m proud of myself and especially proud of Wally (my horse) for his accomplishment and mannerisms on the trail.

Happy trails and safe riding.

Leslie and Wally (when do we get to got the next party, mom?)
C & L Farms
Spotted TWH breeding and sales

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