Thursday, January 01, 1998

Roger`s Recipe for Liniment - Roger

I have been wanting to start a posting of *Things I Learned* over the past 26 years of doing this *thing* is one---

LEG SWEATS... I have used them ALL... I got fed up with stuff that cost A LOT and did NOT work.. limited ROI.. SO as those who know me.. I read labels and do a lot of reading.. I came up with a CHEAP *mix your own* leg liniment and sweat.. I was going to market it ..but it was too much trouble.. I called it the RECIPE.. I gave it away.. to a number of riders.. This stuff really works .No *burn* or any problems what so ever.. but does it ever draw down the legs.. You get all the ingredients from the ole CHEAPIE drug store..

Here it is:
GREEN ALCOHOL (methysylicate a counter-irritant) to increase circulation
WITCH HAZEL old time remedy astringent, draws soreness out
BROWN MOUTH WASH.. cheap stuff.. its what inside..not going to try to spell all that stuff.. read it on the label then read the label of the high price stuff... same ingredients..
ALOE JUICE from GNC soothing. vascular dilator
Cost about $10 per GALLON

The ALCOHOL will cool out the legs or other places where used. The remaining ingredients will increase blood flow, and reduce fluid build up.

I soak the legs after a work out or ride with this stuff, its cheap. then wait about 1/2 hr then do it again, but then I wrap with cotton quits and run-downs . not tight.. Before we go home I take the wraps off ., soak again and put on the shipping boots. The legs look great.. when we get home I soak again and turn her out. Then I use this stuff every day for 3 days after a ride/race without wraps unless we get filling..then I wrap , softly, with cotton rundowns and turn her out.

Every one I gave this too has had the same results...good tight legs.. Try it ..its cheap. I never use a poultice.

Now all that said... I have been trying some of the Homeopathic leg products. (I am a new proponent of the Homeopathic Medicine.. it does work). I am testing with good results a product from HILTON HERB (UK) called LEG-AIDE. GREAT STUFF.
Witch Hazel, Arinca Comfrey Ruta Grav - For those into homeopathy.. this is very clear.
Arinca pain, inflammation
Comfey herb soothing drawing
Ruta Soft tissue tendons

Been using this most of this season on one horse. After works at home and rides - Great Results - A bit more costly then the RECIPE - $14 for 500ml (16 oz) - a Little goes a LONG way. We carry many of the HILTON HERB products. Anyway try the CHEAP stuff first.. We used it for years and still do for all the workers except my mare. She is my *tester*


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