Saturday, February 09, 2008

My last day of being 49.....was kind of a bummer

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Endurance Granny officially turns 50 tomorrow. Today was sunny and the ground was beginning to dry up with reasonable footing. So I figured it was time to get the Phebes out and start working her under saddle. I began with some light ground work and she was just really having a fit, spooking, blowing, and eventually bucking and having a royal episode. I had the crupper on her, so I thought maybe she was having issues with that, so I removed it, and lounged her around both directions and she quit bucking. Thinking I had the bugs worked out I climbed on and walked her a little, then suddenly she tried to bolt, commenced bucking, and I lost a rein before I could get her stopped. She promptly laid me out on the ground with me landing on my head...


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