The 22nd Annual Indian Territory Elevator Ride is in the history books! The weather was perfect and the trails were in the best shape they've been in for quite some time, thanks in large part to the herculean efforts of Dr. Jim Baldwin! He has faithfully brush hogged trails, cut up fallen trees, pushed windfall off trail, and built/repaired bridges for over 20 years and we all appreciate his effort, time, money, blood, sweat, and probably a few tears.
Friday and Saturday evenings were in the 50s which made camp fires, S’mores, and camaraderie the call of the evening. What a wonderful way to spend the weekend visiting with friends while listening to the calming munching of our favorite equines. There were 9 new riders whom the other riders welcomed them with open arms and invited these new and potentially new AERC members into their camps. Each new rider had a mentor on trail as well. Did I mention this was a GREAT weekend?!
Thank you for marking, unmarking and trimming trail Jim Baldwin, Gail, Rob, and Christina Kimery (with a friend of Chris’), Alexis Jones (with husband Rich and his cousin), Kathy Crothers, Rick and Julya Humphrey, Link Mock, and various pleasure riders. After the start of the ride, volunteers POURED out of the woodwork! Thank you Nona Broussard, Rick Humphrey, Ann and Fred Spencer (Fred worked after completing his ride), Caleb “Will Work for Chocolate Milk” Minnick, Kirsten Scott (started working after finishing her ride and mentoring a first-time rider), Link Mock (after finishing his FIRST ride!), and Dr. Jim Baldwin (not only did he help vet, he trained a new veterinarian!). All of us appreciate your efforts before, during, and after the ride! A young lady approached me early Saturday morning stating she had done the Intro Ride at the Frank's ride in late June and that she wanted to learn more about our sport by VOLUNTEERING TO HELP!!! THANK YOU Trisha Williams!
A special word of THANKS goes to excellent ride veterinarians Leon Self, Camilla Jamieson, and Jim Baldwin. We all learn so much more about our precious equines thanks to caring professionals such as these. Their conscientious efforts and attention to detail helps us be better riders.
While pulling ribbon, I met Diane Day and her lovely daughter Anniska on trail. Diane wants to help work on trail and hopes to be at the Jo Tate Fall ride at the Frank's Ranch October 18. Can this weekend get any better?
Thanks to the generosity of endurance riders, the Shriners Hospital in Shreveport, LA, will have well over 30 gift cards to give to their young patients! Your selfless devotion to the welfare of others will bless these children in ways we’ll never know. THANK YOU!!!
The Limited Distance Ride had 21 starters and 21 finishers!! Mary Heberling and her wonderful Pinto x Arabian gelding Hajar earned Best Condition with a score of 751.5. Hajar also tied for High Vet Score with 480 points. Nikki Bridwell’s horse “Deals Kamil Jr” also had the High Vet Score of 480 points. Kudos to the first-time riders Carole Watt and her darling mule Leroy, Travis Brinck and her SC Akil Gassur, Donna Fearing and her Paint Cheyenne, and Link Mock and his Friesian cross Captain. Kathy Crothers was “Middle of the Pack” and Link Mock was “Turtle”.
The Endurance Ride had 20 starters and 17 completers. Congratulations of Rosemarie Doyle’s horse “Santa Alpha Lucia”, ridden by Debra Stockwell, on completing her first 50! Gunnar Frank won with a ride time of 6:07 and also won Best Condition with a score of 730. Julya Humphrey’s Spanish Mustang “Copperhead Road” had the High Vet Score with 430 points. Sue Phillips-Jaffe and her awesome Quarter Horse mare “Sussie Prize” was “Middle of the Pack” and Debra Stockwell was “Turtle”. Congratulations to all!
We are looking forward to the 23rd Annual Indian Territory October 3, 2015. Hope to see you all there!
Susan Young Mock