I have so much to blog about and can’t seem to narrow it down at any one time and focus on just one topic. I haven’t even finished writing up about my ride at Tevis this year!

I left for the ride a week early, along with Dave Rabe. We knew that there would be a lot of work that needed to get done. Dave and Ann spent the summer in Alaska and now that they were back it was time to get to work!
I met up with Dave Rabe (“DR”) in Carson City and we caravaned down to Bryce together, taking two days to get there. We had a pretty uneventful 600 mile trip aside from the usual stuff that goes wrong with DR’s truck (I swear it’s possessed and have named it “Christine”).
The first day and a half after arriving we marked trail on foot, by jeep and I also rode out on Bo and marked some trail from camp. By Sunday, we and our horses were suitably rested up enough for us to head for a long day of trail marking of the canyons and trails on the Grand View trail. It turned out that this day was one of those days where if it could go wrong, it did. Tho not entirely, but enough did that we were just happy to finally make it back into camp, before dark.
...full story at http://enduranceridestuff.com/blog/
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