October 8 2013
One month from today I’ll be riding into Minot, Maine – leading a parade to honor Mesannie Wilkins (The Last of the Saddle Tramps), proudly carrying the flag of the Long Riders’ Guild and bringing my own 25 month Journey to its conclusion. It would make me exceedingly happy to have people there from all along the trail, from every state I’ve travelled through, from the times of bliss and the times of near despair. Hundreds of you amazing and wonderful people have made this Journey possible. You’ve helped me find the best route, let me tether my ponies on your lawns, opened your hay barns, prayed for my protection, fed me delicious meals, let me use your showers, given money, laundered my clothes, encouraged me and made me laugh when times were hard, worked miracles with tack issues, taken care of me when I’ve been sick or injured, given the ponies a place to lay up when they needed time to heal, sent notes and messages and care packages, offered water or a smile and a wave as I rode by, welcomed me into your homes and your lives and your hearts and so much more! In my heart you’ve become a linear community and I wish you could all meet one another and inspire one another as you’ve inspired me. I’d love to have you come join in the parade, the celebration, the pooling of memories and sharing of stories. I really wish I could find a way to invite you each personally and specifically! Please! Consider yourself invited!...
On the 10th of October, 2011 (Columbus Day) Sea G Rhydr and Gryph Wulfkil left the Apple Farm in Philo, CA – heading out to rediscover America on horseback. Sea was riding Jesse James, who had served her faithfully all summer as her guide (and commuter) pony at Highland Ranch where she had been working as a trail guide. Gryph was riding Vaca Suerte and Saint Finehorn carried the pack. We followed the Navarro River West to the Pacific, said hello to the Ocean and turned our faces to the East.
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