Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Big South Fork - Heather Reynolds - Full Story

6 October 2015
by Heather Reynolds

This is long over due. After our 10,000 mile summer road trip and two weeks of fixing and organizing our property from being gone all summer as well as getting back into a routine with all of the horses that we had left at home, it was time to hit the road again for a measly 11 hour drive. We were heading to Big South Fork Tennessee for the AHA National Championship.

We booted up a few horses as well as putting on the Easyshoe Prototype shoe onto Honor.

We loaded up Rictik and Chachie for Jeremy, (they would do a slow 50 each) and King and Honor for myself (King would do the 100 and Honor the 50). It was an uneventful trip up. When we arrived it had been raining and camp was super muddy. We made some interesting manuevers that required not stopping the rig as we would have gotten stuck right then and there! We stopped rolling at the crest of a small rise and left it there for the weekend.

We got all set up and then visted with friends before the ride meeting. The first day Jeremy and our friend Misty would be riding our mare Kellora in the Ride & Tie. Misty has had Kellora all summer and she had trailered her to the ride. It was to be Misty and Kellora's first R&T. I would be running out to the 1 mile mark for a hand tie and then I would crew the rest of the day.

The next morning I was out on the trail waiting for the herd to come stampeding. It was pretty fun. Kellora led the charge, trotting. I grabbed her and Jeremy took off running. The horses started coming very shortly after that, Kellora was confused but really cool. She watched as riders jumped off and tied their horses and then took off running away from their horses. I can only imagine what she was thinking...

Read more here:

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