Kip's Korner. The world according to Kip. A commentary of life as an endurance horse from one very opinionated Arabian, want-a be Akel-Teke gelding, Kipling. Hence, 'The World according to Kip!'
September 18 2017
Glossary....Horses........us equines
Monkeys......those that ride and handle us and think they are in control.
'The' Monkey.......the one on my back most of the time who knows she is not in control but does try hard.Her name is Ronnie
Need Pics!
Let me first of all say the 'the monkeys know nothing' is just a general statement and I still believe it to be the golden rule. Occasionally they do something right like the ones who put on this incredible ride. Even so, in general the monkeys know nothing. Well, compared to ' me' they know nothing. Enough said!
Ride camp was even fuller than ever but I didn't get to rub up against any cute fillies on the way in and out this year.Dang! I did however get to park really close to my buddy Sundance and catch up with latest gossip in the equine world. Chip was there too! This was going to be a fun ride!
We left late on Saturday morning to let headlight brigade get on down the trail. No worries, I thought, I'll catch'em at daybreak when they ditch the spot lights. Did! Lost Sundance and Chip though as their careful, caring monkeys were suppose to take it slow and easy. Good boys. Not me! My monkey let me go like she promised a few blogs ago and I had a ball bouncin' over those rocks like a kangaroo rat. Rock, rocks and more rock! You couldn't see the trees for the rocks.I love rocks!
Then I met Tahoe. A boy after my own heart. He said he was only 17 and I believed him. He had teeth like mine so he had to have been up there some. We hit it off really well and between us managed to pull four monkey arms out of their sockets. Erin, Tahoe's monkey, kept saying "now gentlemen," we need to slow down. 'Phewy,' I said!
I passed Georgie, screamin' at him to come along with me. But no, he was being a good boy as usual. Gosh it's hard to get through to some of these nice horses but I still like Georgie and his monkey Phyliss.
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